Cadillac Mountain South Ridge Trail is the “easiest” trail to the summit and also the longest trail in the national park. I really wanted to tackle a more strenuous hike with Sam and spending the day hiking the ridge-line fit the bill perfectly. It would be my fourth time on the top of Cadillac and the first time it wasn’t in a vehicle.
I was a little unsure as to how Sam would handle a 7.4 mile hike, especially on a trail that was exposed like this one. The longest we had done prior to this was about three miles. Turns out I didn’t need to worry because he was cool as a cucumber the entire time. He loved it.
The hike down was the best part. The views looking out over the southern tip of Acadia and the various islands dotted off the coast was spectacular. It was much more impressive than I was anticipating and I can’t recommend it enough.

First ones to the parking lot. I thought it was going to be much busier.

Lathering Sam up with zinc so he doesn’t burn to a crisp.

Cadillac Mountain South Ridge

He fell asleep rather quickly.

Looking out across the South Ridge Trail towards the southern tip of Acadia.

3.2 miles later and we reached the summit.

Everyone has to refuel for the hike down.

….and back asleep for the final 1.5 miles.